My Journey

I created this blog to update my friends and family on my 10 month journey in AmeriCorps NCCC. AmeriCorps is a full-time, team-based residential program for men and women ages 18-24. The mission of AmeriCorps is to strengthen communities and develop leaders through direct, team-based national and community service. I am excited for this experience and hope that all of you follow me on my journey!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's Been a Long Time Comin'

It's official! I am now an AmeriCorps NCCC member! (my next post will describe more about what AmeriCorps is and what I will be doing in this program) I had applied for this program back in November. It was a long application process that required an online application, two phone interviews, and getting fingerprinted at the police station.They're definitely serious about who they let in. I obviously checked out to be OK! All of this just to find out that I had been wait listed. Meaning I had got into the program, but there wasn't enough space for me at the time. I wasn't sure if I would get in or not. I was wait listed back in April and hadn't heard anything for most of the summer.

I was nervous waiting to see if I would get a spot. I was at a point where it was out of my hands and all I had to do was play the waiting game! That was tough for me because, I needed to start making decisions about the fall. I needed to know whether or not I should apply for school in the fall, or renew my lease at the end of August. Luckily, this past Friday I got an e-mail regarding a change to my account. I logged on to see that my status had been changed from wait listed to assigned!! And where of all places was I assigned to?? Sacramento, California!! Now, I'm not necessarily gonna be staying in this sate for my whole term, but I will do most of my training here and at least one project. I couldn't have asked for a better place to be assigned!

I will be leaving for sunny California on October 7th and will return to Minnesota on July 22. I definitely won't be missing the snow this winter! However, I will be missing all my family and friends! Like my dad said though, "you'll be more connected than I ever was when I was in the Navy...I would send a letter and it would take more than 15 days to get there." I thought I would keep you all in the loop with a blog. It's a great way to keep everyone updated on what I am doing, and I will only have to write it all once! Well, more to come on my adventures in AmeriCorps. I hope you all enjoy!
