My Journey

I created this blog to update my friends and family on my 10 month journey in AmeriCorps NCCC. AmeriCorps is a full-time, team-based residential program for men and women ages 18-24. The mission of AmeriCorps is to strengthen communities and develop leaders through direct, team-based national and community service. I am excited for this experience and hope that all of you follow me on my journey!

Monday, October 4, 2010

It's Almost Time!!

It's almost time for me to leave! I can't believe that I will be leaving for Sacramento, CA in less than a week! This Thursday!! Seriously, where has the time gone? I finally got moved back home from my house in St. Louis Park a couple weeks ago. I am still trying to unpack all of my things, and in the process, I am finding out I have a lot of stuff!! A lot of stuff that I don't need or use for that matter. I found 5 disc players/Walkman! Who uses those anymore and why have I kept them for so long? Borderline hoarder?..Perhaps! I am also trying to get in my goodbyes to friends and family. It's good to see people before I leave, especially since I haven't seen most of them for a while! I still have so much to do before I leave Thursday!

The good news is that I got my itinerary e-mailed to me last week. I was getting worried it wasn't coming! I will depart Minneapolis bright and early at 7:35 am! I have a layover in Phoenix and then off to sunny Sacramento! The weather says it will be 73 degrees and sunny for my arrival. On Facebook they have set up a group for everybody heading out to the Sacramento campus. It's nice to be able to talk to other people to see what they are bringing and where everyone is coming from. I have already talked to quite a few people coming from Minnesota. Mostly the Twin Cities area. All us Minnesotans decided to meet up at the airport since we are all on the same flight. It will be nice to have people to talk to on the plane and to help me with getting to the next plane on our layover, seeing as I'm know for missing flights when I have layovers, haha!!

If anybody knows me, they know that I can be just a little bit of a procrastinator. Just a little bit, haha! So, it may come as no surprise that I haven't started packing yet. I am definitely feeling overwhelmed trying to pack all my things for 10-months into two suitcases! I guess I am going to have to go through my clothes and pick my favorites. We will be wearing uniforms while we are on duty (which is roughly M-F from about 7-4, depending on the project) so that definitely cuts down on how many regular clothes I would need to pack. I also have to provide my own bedding. I'm still deciding if that's something I want to try and pack, send out there, or buy when I get there. It will be a last minute decision I'm sure, but it will all come together in the end...hopefully!

I am very excited to begin my journey in AmeriCorps, and I am anxious to get out there and get started on some projects!

♥ Kristen

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you and proud to be your sister. I will miss you! I was sad to see you go this morning but I know this will be a great experience for you. Keep in touch as much as you can. Love you, Jenni
