My Journey

I created this blog to update my friends and family on my 10 month journey in AmeriCorps NCCC. AmeriCorps is a full-time, team-based residential program for men and women ages 18-24. The mission of AmeriCorps is to strengthen communities and develop leaders through direct, team-based national and community service. I am excited for this experience and hope that all of you follow me on my journey!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

San Francisco

Hello again! Like I promised I will be writing a lot more now. I am currently living in San Francisco for my first round project. Throughout the year each team has 4 projects/rounds. We usually call them SPIKES. Our projects will usually lasts about 6-8 weeks. After we are done with our round, we come back to campus in Sacramento for a transition week so we can talk about our project and debrief.

My team, Blue 1 or BLUNO as we are affectionately called, are lucky enough to be stationed in San Francisco, CA. We arrived last Thursday and are staying in The Presidio right by the Golden Gate Bridge. Below is a picture of The Presidio. I live in the military barracks somewhere in the bottom right corner.
We are in dorm type housing. We all have our own rooms, share a bathroom with 3-4, and share a communal living area and kitchen. We also get internet and cable. I have been told that we have it made! I guess normal SPIKE housing is not this good. There are other teams that are camping in tents for 6 weeks, or staying in a two bedroom house with 12 people and having to sleep on cots. I’m sure our next round won’t be so glamorous.

We are working with The Presidio Trust to help restore and beautify the park all around The Presidio. It will be a lot of manual labor and I’m sure it will be tough at times. I really can’t complain though, I get to work with a gorgeous view of the Golden Gate Bridge and the ocean everyday! It’s amazing! We are also going to get to do a historical restoration project on Alcatraz. I am so excited to visit Alcatraz and get to work on something there. The presidio is a great place to live. There is so much history here and I find out something new every day. I will post some pictures of the houses and buildings that are around here, as well as my housing.

I am having a fun time exploring San Francisco in the week that I have been here. We are very close to the Golden Gate Bridge and me and some of my team walked there and then walked across the bridge!
 Me under the Golden Gate Bridge
 Walking accross the Golden Gate Bridge. There was a rainbow after a little bit of rain.

We also got to go to a free concert. AT&T were giving away free Maroon 5 tickets to promote their new phone. We waited in line Monday mornig and got tickets to a show that night at the Fillmore. It was a great show and it was a very small venue which was nice as well. We were nice and close to the band. Below are some pictures of them preforming!

I will be sure to update you all on what I am doing. I will post some before and after pictures of the types of projects that we have done so far sometime this week. I will be in San Fran until December 15th and return to Sacramento before coming home for Christmas break. I am going to be coming home for Christmas on the 18th and will stay until January 1st. I am very excited to come home and see all my family and friends. I miss you all!     

♥ Kristen

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